• Use a methodology to build, execute and manage a well communicated winning marketing campaign, including target audience focus, building a compelling Value Proposition/Best Messages, and create a relevant Slogan that will resonate.

  • Select qualitative and quantitative parameters to measure business impact, execution progress and follow up target achievement. Create a detailed matrix of activities with timelines, KPIs and define a project lead and team to own and control the process.

  • Build a strong communication program that highlights your services, support and sells support activities that your team is providing to customers. Connect the campaign activities to the company brand, values and promise while focusing on the target audience needs.

  • Develop one common Marketing language, using the same terminology and
    keep repeating it over and over will deliver consistency and build trust.

Campaign Planning & Execution outcomes

  • Roll out impactful and winning marketing campaigns. Build a professional marketing campaign in the right order and at the right timing.

  • Make a strong connection between the different activities related to one campaign objective. Use the right messages and focus on 1-2 powerful ones, throughout the campaign.

  • Achieve high brand awareness in the market through strong & synchronized marketing actions and messaging.

  • Use common marketing concept, language and terminology. Measurement of the activities/KPIs/ROI.

  • Achieve the qualitative & quantitative goals